CPG Food + Beverage

Demystifying the cheese board

Translation: Help an unknown brand break out of the nameless clutter of the specialty cheese aisle in order to grow sales


Welcome to the cheese aisle.

Cello needed to maintain or add to valuable shelf space in the supermarket. To do this, they needed to move product. But with limited awareness and only a few SKUs, they were essentially invisible.

Graph showing that the more knowledge a person has about cheese, the less they care about brands.


Guide the noobs.

While it may seem obvious to target niche foodies, our ethnography study revealed that brands didn't matter as much to specialty cheese connoisseurs but they did to cheese novices. Why compete for a sliver of "cheese know-it-alls" when we could become THE brand for all the newbies?

For the uninitiated, crafting a cheese board can be a daunting task; the language of cheese can be intimidating; and the cheese aisle can trigger a lot of anxiety. If we could help them understand specialty cheese, we'd earn their loyalty. With this insight, we created the campaign, "Cheese Confidently."

Click to play video showing how to properly serve cheese.
Click to play video teaching how to talk about cheese.
Click to play video showing how to make a cheese board.
Instagram post: Overcoming your cheese aisle anxiety is easy. Take a deep breath, then reach for the cello.
Instagram post: There's a million ways to say "Yum," but only one cheese that makes you feel it.
Instagram post: Want to strut your mastery of cheese boards? Just add Cello Cheese for an artisanal taste you don't have to understand to enjoy.


MMMmmm cheese.

We retargeted this same audience with video that highlighted taste appeal. Videos offered either a coupon to encourage trial or sent them to the website where they could further educate themselves with wine pairings, recipes, and tips for the perfect cheese board.

Click to play video for Cello mac & cheese.
Click to play video for Cello Tacos.
Animation scrolling through the Cello Cheese website.

Standing out in a crowd.

The Cello brand was totally redesigned with new packaging that favored a premium black look which contrasted sharply from the typical creamy whites and soft colors of the competition. In-store signage further helped with wayfinding in the aisle. Not only did our brand stand out, it became a symbol for all the cheese curious who wanted the joy without all the judgment.

Photograph of Cello Cheese Copper Kettle containers
Advertisement for Cello Cheese mac & cheese recipe.
Advertisement for Cello Cheese pasta recipe.
Advertisement for Cello Cheese taco recipe.


Cello takes a big wedge.

Cheese Confidently exceeded Cello’s KPIs achieving a 20% increase in sales per store. The campaign scored nearly 17M impressions and outperformed viewer completion rates and click through rates, proving our message was both well said and well placed. And we’re proud to announce it won an Effie Award for making such an impact.

unit sales lift
lift in website traffic
Silver Effie Award.