Public Service

Can a little typo help fix a huge problem during the Big Game?

Rallying Big Game advertisers around wildlife relief with a strategic social blitz

Photograph of a mother kangaroo carrying her baby through a burned forest.


Australia aflame.

Millions of acres of the continent had been destroyed by wildfire. It was a national emergency, an ecological disaster, and a real threat to countless species. With a sister agency located in the middle of the crisis, we wanted to do something to help.

Photograph of the Australia wildfires.


Turning the Big Game ads into positive action.

Brands debut their most ambitious spots during the Big Game, and are incredibly active on social media to support them. With millions being spent every second, it seemed like the right time to coax donations for Australian wildfire relief with some good-natured pressure applied to the night’s biggest spenders.

Image of an owl. "#superbowlsaves - Bushfire Relief"
Image of the World Wildlife Federation logo. "Donate now. #superbowlsaves - Bushfire Relief"
Image of a football stadium celebrating with fireworks. "Touchdown! Donate now. #superbowlsaves"

Meet @SuperbOwl_Saves.

Inspired by a commonly mistyped Google search term, we created Superb Owl, a new Twitter personality whose mission was to motivate brands to donate to the World Wildlife Fund’s relief efforts for Australia’s bushfire crisis. On game night, we created a social media war room and unleashed the Superb Owl on the big game’s biggest advertisers. As their commercials aired in real time, we engaged them with a personalized plea to pay a little forward for those in need.



In 24 hours, Superb Owl generated 1.03M impressions, and 317 engagements with a 2.9% engagement rate, significantly exceeding the Twitter benchmark of 0.048%. Of course, it also earned a lot of buzz and generous donations from big brands like Honda, donating tens of thousands of dollars during the game.

Engagement Rate